Sorry for the harsh language but stop letting the radical right bull shit you or any other ideology left, right, or center. The BS or Ben Shapiro you consume every day has winged banana-eating qualities. You know the saying about what you eat? I mean if you watch an ad and are attracted to a product because they use your religion, family, race, sexuality, or politics you just got fleeced if you buy it. The GOP has been doing this since the 1960s. The DNC just reacts to trends and then claims victory based on them. Communism died but its revenge on our culture was our own marketing. It's pimp and prostitute ripping it's own self off. Can we use this method in a positive manner? My advice is to be more stoic and less conservative, liberal, or moderate. Do not forget to ask the “how” or the primo important “why?” Like why is he, her, or they using my faith to sell me a chicken? Why is using my faith to get me to vote for him or her or they? The “why” is often the poop in the brownie that human carnality is drawn to like a dog to its vomit and is how people are manipulated, switched, or baited into a total agency of their friends, family, religion, media, commerce, and politics. In the end tax cuts and personal injection in a 5-year window don't help because innovation drives economies which requires corporate desperation. Just match inflation to money supply over 5 to 7 years for the last 53 years. Governments don't impact social issues that much just look at all the countries with abortion bans that have the highest abortion rates in the world. No method or policy can be ideological because nothing is static in a fluid world. We have to react in a humane way to the world. The iron curtain fell and nothing changed materially. It is the human condition that alters the heart not laws, policy, or how much money you can create. The subjective value of things proves it. It’s time to uncancel humanity! All we have otherwise is delusion, hypocrisy and narcissism. The big lies! #politics #republican #democrat #liberal #conservative #progressive #religion #christianity #philosophy #psychology #vote #economics #culture #tax #faith #stoicphilosophy #stoic #media #entertainment #news #socialist #communist #stoic Стоицизм Стоицизм на каждый день

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